Wednesday, November 2, 2022
7:30 pm
10:00 pm
The perfect course for those who have never improvised before, or for folks with improv experience who would like to get a foundation in North American long form.
Over 8 classes, we’ll teach you all you need to know to get solid footing in comedic improv. You’ll learn the basic skills every performer needs to get up on stage and make magic happen. We focus on making positive choices, smart scene work, group support and we explore the kernels of what makes something funny.
Please read through the General Course Info below before registering!
This course will take place at
Manoah Zentrum in Kreuzberg.
Student show: Thursday, December 22, 2022
This course is currently sold out! You may add yourself to the waitlist below, though please be aware that it is uncommon for spots to open up.
16 people are attending Intro to Improv
Who's coming?
16 people are attending Intro to Improv